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celery.task.http 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Webhook task implementation.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import anyjson
import sys
import urllib2

from urllib import urlencode
from urlparse import urlparse
    from urlparse import parse_qsl
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from cgi import parse_qsl  # noqa

from celery import __version__ as celery_version
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from .base import Task as BaseTask

GET_METHODS = frozenset(['GET', 'HEAD'])
logger = get_task_logger(__name__)

[文档]class InvalidResponseError(Exception): """The remote server gave an invalid response."""
[文档]class RemoteExecuteError(Exception): """The remote task gave a custom error."""
[文档]class UnknownStatusError(InvalidResponseError): """The remote server gave an unknown status."""
[文档]def maybe_utf8(value): """Encode to utf-8, only if the value is Unicode.""" if isinstance(value, unicode): return value.encode('utf-8') return value
if sys.version_info[0] == 3: # pragma: no cover def utf8dict(tup): if not isinstance(tup, dict): return dict(tup) return tup else:
[文档] def utf8dict(tup): # noqa """With a dict's items() tuple return a new dict with any utf-8 keys/values encoded.""" return dict((key.encode('utf-8'), maybe_utf8(value)) for key, value in tup)
[文档]def extract_response(raw_response, loads=anyjson.loads): """Extract the response text from a raw JSON response.""" if not raw_response: raise InvalidResponseError('Empty response') try: payload = loads(raw_response) except ValueError, exc: raise InvalidResponseError, InvalidResponseError( str(exc)), sys.exc_info()[2] status = payload['status'] if status == 'success': return payload['retval'] elif status == 'failure': raise RemoteExecuteError(payload.get('reason')) else: raise UnknownStatusError(str(status))
[文档]class MutableURL(object): """Object wrapping a Uniform Resource Locator. Supports editing the query parameter list. You can convert the object back to a string, the query will be properly urlencoded. Examples >>> url = URL('http://www.google.com:6580/foo/bar?x=3&y=4#foo') >>> url.query {'x': '3', 'y': '4'} >>> str(url) 'http://www.google.com:6580/foo/bar?y=4&x=3#foo' >>> url.query['x'] = 10 >>> url.query.update({'George': 'Costanza'}) >>> str(url) 'http://www.google.com:6580/foo/bar?y=4&x=10&George=Costanza#foo' """ def __init__(self, url): self.parts = urlparse(url) self.query = dict(parse_qsl(self.parts[4])) def __str__(self): scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = self.parts query = urlencode(utf8dict(self.query.items())) components = [scheme + '://', netloc, path or '/', ';%s' % params if params else '', '?%s' % query if query else '', '#%s' % fragment if fragment else ''] return ''.join(filter(None, components)) def __repr__(self): return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
[文档]class HttpDispatch(object): """Make task HTTP request and collect the task result. :param url: The URL to request. :param method: HTTP method used. Currently supported methods are `GET` and `POST`. :param task_kwargs: Task keyword arguments. :param logger: Logger used for user/system feedback. """ user_agent = 'celery/%s' % celery_version timeout = 5 def __init__(self, url, method, task_kwargs, **kwargs): self.url = url self.method = method self.task_kwargs = task_kwargs self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") or logger
[文档] def make_request(self, url, method, params): """Makes an HTTP request and returns the response.""" request = urllib2.Request(url, params) for key, val in self.http_headers.items(): request.add_header(key, val) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) # user catches errors. return response.read()
[文档] def dispatch(self): """Dispatch callback and return result.""" url = MutableURL(self.url) params = None if self.method in GET_METHODS: url.query.update(self.task_kwargs) else: params = urlencode(utf8dict(self.task_kwargs.items())) raw_response = self.make_request(str(url), self.method, params) return extract_response(raw_response)
[文档] def http_headers(self): headers = {'User-Agent': self.user_agent} return headers
[文档]class HttpDispatchTask(BaseTask): """Task dispatching to an URL. :keyword url: The URL location of the HTTP callback task. :keyword method: Method to use when dispatching the callback. Usually `GET` or `POST`. :keyword \*\*kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass on to the HTTP callback. .. attribute:: url If this is set, this is used as the default URL for requests. Default is to require the user of the task to supply the url as an argument, as this attribute is intended for subclasses. .. attribute:: method If this is set, this is the default method used for requests. Default is to require the user of the task to supply the method as an argument, as this attribute is intended for subclasses. """ url = None method = None accept_magic_kwargs = False
[文档] def run(self, url=None, method='GET', **kwargs): url = url or self.url method = method or self.method return HttpDispatch(url, method, kwargs).dispatch()
[文档]class URL(MutableURL): """HTTP Callback URL Supports requesting an URL asynchronously. :param url: URL to request. :keyword dispatcher: Class used to dispatch the request. By default this is :class:`HttpDispatchTask`. """ dispatcher = HttpDispatchTask def __init__(self, url, dispatcher=None): super(URL, self).__init__(url) self.dispatcher = dispatcher or self.dispatcher
[文档] def get_async(self, **kwargs): return self.dispatcher.delay(str(self), 'GET', **kwargs)
[文档] def post_async(self, **kwargs): return self.dispatcher.delay(str(self), 'POST', **kwargs)