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celery.utils.mail 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    How task error emails are formatted and sent.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import smtplib
import socket
import traceback
import warnings

from email.mime.text import MIMEText

from .functional import maybe_list
from .imports import symbol_by_name

supports_timeout = sys.version_info >= (2, 6)

_local_hostname = None

[文档]def get_local_hostname(): global _local_hostname if _local_hostname is None: _local_hostname = socket.getfqdn() return _local_hostname
[文档]class SendmailWarning(UserWarning): """Problem happened while sending the email message."""
[文档]class Message(object): def __init__(self, to=None, sender=None, subject=None, body=None, charset='us-ascii'): self.to = maybe_list(to) self.sender = sender self.subject = subject self.body = body self.charset = charset def __repr__(self): return '<Email: To:%r Subject:%r>' % (self.to, self.subject) def __str__(self): msg = MIMEText(self.body, 'plain', self.charset) msg['Subject'] = self.subject msg['From'] = self.sender msg['To'] = ', '.join(self.to) return msg.as_string()
[文档]class Mailer(object): supports_timeout = supports_timeout def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=0, user=None, password=None, timeout=2, use_ssl=False, use_tls=False): self.host = host self.port = port self.user = user self.password = password self.timeout = timeout self.use_ssl = use_ssl self.use_tls = use_tls
[文档] def send(self, message, fail_silently=False): try: if self.supports_timeout: self._send(message, timeout=self.timeout) else: import socket old_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout() socket.setdefaulttimeout(self.timeout) try: self._send(message) finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(old_timeout) except Exception, exc: if not fail_silently: raise warnings.warn(SendmailWarning( 'Mail could not be sent: %r %r\n%r' % ( exc, {'To': ', '.join(message.to), 'Subject': message.subject}, traceback.format_stack())))
def _send(self, message, **kwargs): Client = smtplib.SMTP_SSL if self.use_ssl else smtplib.SMTP client = Client(self.host, self.port, local_hostname=get_local_hostname(), **kwargs) if self.use_tls: client.ehlo() client.starttls() client.ehlo() if self.user and self.password: client.login(self.user, self.password) client.sendmail(message.sender, message.to, str(message)) try: client.quit() except socket.sslerror: client.close()
[文档]class ErrorMail(object): """Defines how and when task error e-mails should be sent. :param task: The task instance that raised the error. :attr:`subject` and :attr:`body` are format strings which are passed a context containing the following keys: * name Name of the task. * id UUID of the task. * exc String representation of the exception. * args Positional arguments. * kwargs Keyword arguments. * traceback String representation of the traceback. * hostname Worker hostname. """ # pep8.py borks on a inline signature separator and # says "trailing whitespace" ;) EMAIL_SIGNATURE_SEP = '-- ' #: Format string used to generate error email subjects. subject = """\ [celery@%(hostname)s] Error: Task %(name)s (%(id)s): %(exc)s """ #: Format string used to generate error email content. body = """ Task %%(name)s with id %%(id)s raised exception:\n%%(exc)r Task was called with args: %%(args)s kwargs: %%(kwargs)s. The contents of the full traceback was: %%(traceback)s %(EMAIL_SIGNATURE_SEP)s Just to let you know, py-celery at %%(hostname)s. """ % {'EMAIL_SIGNATURE_SEP': EMAIL_SIGNATURE_SEP} error_whitelist = None def __init__(self, task, **kwargs): self.task = task self.email_subject = kwargs.get('subject', self.subject) self.email_body = kwargs.get('body', self.body) self.error_whitelist = getattr(task, 'error_whitelist', None) or ()
[文档] def should_send(self, context, exc): """Returns true or false depending on if a task error mail should be sent for this type of error.""" allow_classes = tuple(map(symbol_by_name, self.error_whitelist)) return not self.error_whitelist or isinstance(exc, allow_classes)
[文档] def format_subject(self, context): return self.subject.strip() % context
[文档] def format_body(self, context): return self.body.strip() % context
[文档] def send(self, context, exc, fail_silently=True): if self.should_send(context, exc): self.task.app.mail_admins(self.format_subject(context), self.format_body(context), fail_silently=fail_silently)