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celery.loaders.base 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Loader base class.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import anyjson
import importlib
import os
import re
import sys

from datetime import datetime

from kombu.utils import cached_property
from kombu.utils.encoding import safe_str

from celery.datastructures import DictAttribute
from celery.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from celery.utils.imports import (
    import_from_cwd, symbol_by_name, NotAPackage, find_module,
from celery.utils.functional import maybe_list

BUILTIN_MODULES = frozenset()

The environment variable %r is not set,
and as such the configuration could not be loaded.
Please set this variable and make it point to
a configuration module."""

Error: Module '%(module)s' doesn't exist, or it's not a valid \
Python module name.

Did you mean '%(suggest)s'?

[文档]class BaseLoader(object): """The base class for loaders. Loaders handles, * Reading celery client/worker configurations. * What happens when a task starts? See :meth:`on_task_init`. * What happens when the worker starts? See :meth:`on_worker_init`. * What happens when the worker shuts down? See :meth:`on_worker_shutdown`. * What modules are imported to find tasks? """ builtin_modules = BUILTIN_MODULES configured = False error_envvar_not_set = ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_SET override_backends = {} worker_initialized = False _conf = None def __init__(self, app=None, **kwargs): from celery.app import app_or_default self.app = app_or_default(app) self.task_modules = set()
[文档] def now(self, utc=True): if utc: return datetime.utcnow() return datetime.now()
[文档] def on_task_init(self, task_id, task): """This method is called before a task is executed.""" pass
[文档] def on_process_cleanup(self): """This method is called after a task is executed.""" pass
[文档] def on_worker_init(self): """This method is called when the worker (:program:`celery worker`) starts.""" pass
[文档] def on_worker_shutdown(self): """This method is called when the worker (:program:`celery worker`) shuts down.""" pass
[文档] def on_worker_process_init(self): """This method is called when a child process starts.""" pass
[文档] def import_task_module(self, module): self.task_modules.add(module) return self.import_from_cwd(module)
[文档] def import_module(self, module, package=None): return importlib.import_module(module, package=package)
[文档] def import_from_cwd(self, module, imp=None, package=None): return import_from_cwd( module, self.import_module if imp is None else imp, package=package, )
[文档] def import_default_modules(self): return [ self.import_task_module(m) for m in ( set(maybe_list(self.app.conf.CELERY_IMPORTS)) | set(maybe_list(self.app.conf.CELERY_INCLUDE)) | self.builtin_modules) ]
[文档] def init_worker(self): if not self.worker_initialized: self.worker_initialized = True self.import_default_modules() self.on_worker_init()
[文档] def shutdown_worker(self): self.on_worker_shutdown()
[文档] def init_worker_process(self): self.on_worker_process_init()
[文档] def config_from_envvar(self, variable_name, silent=False): module_name = os.environ.get(variable_name) if not module_name: if silent: return False raise ImproperlyConfigured(self.error_envvar_not_set % module_name) return self.config_from_object(module_name, silent=silent)
[文档] def config_from_object(self, obj, silent=False): if isinstance(obj, basestring): try: if '.' in obj: obj = symbol_by_name(obj, imp=self.import_from_cwd) else: obj = self.import_from_cwd(obj) except (ImportError, AttributeError): if silent: return False raise if not hasattr(obj, '__getitem__'): obj = DictAttribute(obj) self._conf = obj return True
def _import_config_module(self, name): try: self.find_module(name) except NotAPackage: if name.endswith('.py'): raise NotAPackage, NotAPackage(CONFIG_WITH_SUFFIX % { 'module': name, 'suggest': name[:-3]}), sys.exc_info()[2] raise NotAPackage, NotAPackage( CONFIG_INVALID_NAME % {'module': name}), sys.exc_info()[2] else: return self.import_from_cwd(name)
[文档] def find_module(self, module): return find_module(module)
[文档] def cmdline_config_parser( self, args, namespace='celery', re_type=re.compile(r'\((\w+)\)'), extra_types={'json': anyjson.loads}, override_types={'tuple': 'json', 'list': 'json', 'dict': 'json'}): from celery.app.defaults import Option, NAMESPACES namespace = namespace.upper() typemap = dict(Option.typemap, **extra_types) def getarg(arg): """Parse a single configuration definition from the command line.""" ## find key/value # ns.key=value|ns_key=value (case insensitive) key, value = arg.split('=', 1) key = key.upper().replace('.', '_') ## find namespace. # .key=value|_key=value expands to default namespace. if key[0] == '_': ns, key = namespace, key[1:] else: # find namespace part of key ns, key = key.split('_', 1) ns_key = (ns and ns + '_' or '') + key # (type)value makes cast to custom type. cast = re_type.match(value) if cast: type_ = cast.groups()[0] type_ = override_types.get(type_, type_) value = value[len(cast.group()):] value = typemap[type_](value) else: try: value = NAMESPACES[ns][key].to_python(value) except ValueError, exc: # display key name in error message. raise ValueError('%r: %s' % (ns_key, exc)) return ns_key, value return dict(map(getarg, args))
[文档] def mail_admins(self, subject, body, fail_silently=False, sender=None, to=None, host=None, port=None, user=None, password=None, timeout=None, use_ssl=False, use_tls=False): message = self.mail.Message(sender=sender, to=to, subject=safe_str(subject), body=safe_str(body)) mailer = self.mail.Mailer(host=host, port=port, user=user, password=password, timeout=timeout, use_ssl=use_ssl, use_tls=use_tls) mailer.send(message, fail_silently=fail_silently)
[文档] def read_configuration(self): try: custom_config = os.environ['CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE'] except KeyError: pass else: usercfg = self._import_config_module(custom_config) return DictAttribute(usercfg) return {}
[文档] def conf(self): """Loader configuration.""" if self._conf is None: self._conf = self.read_configuration() return self._conf
[文档] def mail(self): return self.import_module('celery.utils.mail')