你正在阅读 Celery 3.1 的文档。开发版本文档见: 此处.
Previous versions of Celery required a separate library to work with Django, but since 3.1 this is no longer the case. Django is supported out of the box now so this document only contains a basic way to integrate Celery and Django. You will use the same API as non-Django users so it’s recommended that you read the First Steps with Celery tutorial first and come back to this tutorial. When you have a working example you can continue to the Next Steps guide.
To use Celery with your Django project you must first define an instance of the Celery library (called an “app”)
If you have a modern Django project layout like:
- proj/
- proj/__init__.py
- proj/settings.py
- proj/urls.py
- manage.py
then the recommended way is to create a new proj/proj/celery.py module that defines the Celery instance:
file: | proj/proj/celery.py |
Then you need to import this app in your proj/proj/__init__py module. This ensures that the app is loaded when Django starts so that the @shared_task decorator (mentioned later) will use it:
Note that this example project layout is suitable for larger projects, for simple projects you may use a single contained module that defines both the app and tasks, like in the First Steps with Celery tutorial.
Let’s break down what happens in the first module, first we import absolute imports from the future, so that our celery.py module will not crash with the library:
from __future__ import absolute_import
Then we set the default DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE for the celery command-line program:
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'proj.settings')
You don’t need this line, but it saves you from always passing in the settings module to the celery program. It must always come before creating the app instances, which is what we do next:
app = Celery('proj')
This is our instance of the library, you can have many instances but there’s probably no reason for that when using Django.
We also add the Django settings module as a configuration source for Celery. This means that you don’t have to use multiple configuration files, and instead configure Celery directly from the Django settings.
You can pass the object directly here, but using a string is better since then the worker doesn’t have to serialize the object when using Windows or execv:
Next, a common practice for reusable apps is to define all tasks in a separate tasks.py module, and Celery does have a way to autodiscover these modules:
app.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS)
With the line above Celery will automatically discover tasks in reusable apps if you follow the tasks.py convention:
- app1/
- app1/tasks.py
- app1/models.py
- app2/
- app2/tasks.py
- app2/models.py
This way you do not have to manually add the individual modules to the CELERY_IMPORTS setting. The lambda so that the autodiscovery can happen only when needed, and so that importing your module will not evaluate the Django settings object.
Finally, the debug_task example is a task that dumps its own request information. This is using the new bind=True task option introduced in Celery 3.1 to easily refer to the current task instance.
In a production environment you will want to run the worker in the background as a daemon - see Running the worker as a daemon - but for testing and development it is useful to be able to start a worker instance by using the celery worker manage command, much as you would use Django’s runserver:
$ celery -A proj worker -l info
For a complete listing of the command-line options available, use the help command:
$ celery help
If you want to learn more you should continue to the Next Steps tutorial, and after that you can study the User Guide.